Saturday, June 19, 2010

Look Who is One!!!

" Let him have cake!"

Have you ever offer to do a favor for someone or give them something and your schedules never seem to mesh right? Well that is the moral to the next posting.

I have known this little one's mom for a long time and when she got pregnant with him, her third, we were gonna do prego pics. Then we decided to do newborn pics. Neither of those happened due to continual schedule conflicts such as sickness, bad weather, etc.

Well, he is one now.. and still as adorable as when he was born! I am so happy I FINALLY got to shoot this little bugger! ( I wanted to keep him)

Here are some shots from his one year shoot!

Love how he is holding his hands.

Such a beautiful smile!

reaching high!

Happy first bday lil G Man!

1 comment:

rhonda said...

Excellent photos Heather! As usual. :)